Monday, October 24, 2011

WaPo editorial ridden with mistakes

I have a lot of respect for the Washington Post and the work it produces. But this editorial published yesterday sounds like it was written by a freshman journalism student at Georgetown.

The editorial board makes no effort to explain the issue - a rather controversial one - from either side. The entire argument seems to be something like this: "Georgetown is awesome! Our neighbors are ungrateful for our presence!"

Meanwhile, the valid arguments against Georgetown expansion from city officials and neighbors are completely absent from the editorial. Combine the one-sidedness of the editorial with mistakes of accuracy (Foxhollow is not a neighborhood; it's called Foxhall) and omission of words ("It will up to the zoning commission) and this article qualifies as poor journalism.


  1. I like how you analyzed this. Journalism 101...about support your argument with cold hard facts that are verified.

  2. Sounds like someone should send this "freshman" the AP Style Book.

  3. This reminds me of when the idiots over at the Hatchet published an editorial about how Poli Comm shouldn't be a major. It, too, was riddled with mistakes, completely lacked any opposing view, and read like it was written by a freshman, which it probably was.

  4. I love how much of a tough crowd we are to please. I mean granted there is no excuse for errors, in both grammar or facts, in a national publication like the Washington Post. But poli comm students are just so critical, its like our job. i love it!

  5. I agree. But I think I see the point... Also I'm sleepy so missing the grammar errors!!!
